Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS)

is a rehabilitation tool based on the developmental process or developmental kinesiology.  There are certain key factors that go into the implementation of DNS in your rehabilitation process.  As you are developing your body is driven by automated processes.  All of us go through the same developmental sequences to obtain the ability to stand on our feet.

Sensory Input

Our body learns on the input we obtain from our environment.  Being able to provide that sensation to our skin especially on our hands and feet is optimal for a health system.  Understanding and evaluating sensory input is a part of every initial evaluating and a key component to optimal stabilization.

Diaphragm Position and Function

The diaphragm is the first muscle of respiration, located at the bottom of our ribcage separating our abdominal contents from our chest.  This muscle not only helps us breath but is essential in the stabilization of our movement from athletic endeavors to daily activities. 

Joint Centration

The muscles of our body control the joints, have inadequate control of these joints puts us in a position for injury.  Joint centration focuses on allowing the optimal positioning of all the joints in our body and creating an environment for the muscles to provide stability to that joint. 

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